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这种水果已至印度数十名儿童病发身亡 你吃了吗?
【大中华食品网】 时间:2019-06-14 来源:环球时报 【收藏本页


  当地时间周四,印度北部比哈尔邦(Bihar)的卫生部门表示,有50名左右的儿童死于急性脑炎症候群(acute encephalitis syndrome)。

一名儿童因急性脑炎症候群被送至穆扎法普尔市的一家医院 (图 via AFP)一名儿童因急性脑炎症候群被送至穆扎法普尔市的一家医院 (图 via AFP)

  The state government is yet to confirm the cause of the outbreak but is attributing most of the deaths to hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar level。


  But doctors said that more than 150 children under the age of 10 had been admitted with symptoms of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) since 1 June, and that of these 43 had died。 They said hypoglycaemia is one of the features of AES。


  ▲India: 43 children dead in brain disease outbreak ‘linked to lychee fruit toxin’ (via The Independent)


  Outbreaks of AES have occurred each year in Muzaffarpur since 1995, and typically coincide with the lychee harvest season。 The disease claimed a record 150 lives in 2014。


  A similar association between the lychee harvest and outbreaks of AES has also been observed in other regions of Asia, including in the Bac Giang province in northern Vietnam。


  May and June are also the hottest months of the dry summer in India, and senior health official Ashok Kumar Singh said parents should take preventative measures to protect their children。

  5月和6月也是印度干燥的夏季中最热的两个月,高级卫生官员Ashok Kumar Singh说,父母应该采取预防措施保护孩子。

  ▲India: 43 children dead in brain disease outbreak ‘linked to lychee fruit toxin’ (via The Independent)

 (图 via CNN) (图 via CNN)
  2017年发表在《柳叶刀全球健康》(Lancet Global Health)医学期刊上的一项关于2014年脑炎爆发的研究显示,其中一个因素可能是食用荔枝。

  The study found that parents reported that children in affected villages spent most of the day eating lychees from nearby orchards, often returning home in the evening “uninterested in eating a meal。” Children who fell ill were twice as likely to have skipped dinner, which, according to the researchers, probably resulted in “night-time hypoglycaemia。”


  The Lancet study said that when the children‘s blood sugar level dropped, the body would start to metabolize fatty acids to produce a boost of glucose。


  However, urine samples found that two-thirds of the ill children showed evidence of exposure to toxins in lychee seeds, found in higher levels in unripe fruits。 In the presence of these toxins, “glucose synthesis is severely impaired,” the study said, leading to dangerously low blood sugar and brain inflammation。


  Sanjay Kumar said that the affected children “are from poor families, and they do not have sugar reserves, and they are also malnourished。”


  “The liver stores glycogen。 When the sugar level goes down, the liver releases extra sugar to balance it out, but if there is no extra sugar and there are only toxins, then they get released,” he said。


  ▲Brain disease linked to lychee toxins kills 47 children in India (via CNN)

 (图 via Getty Images) (图 via Getty Images)
  此外,2014年刊登在《当代科学》(Current Science)期刊上的研究发现,未成熟的猕猴桃和荔枝都含有一种名为MCPA的有毒物质,在动物实验中已被证明可导致脑部疾病和低血糖。

  The researchers said they did not know whether the toxin was present only in lychee seeds or in the flesh of the fruit, and whether ripe or unripe fruit were more likely to be harmful。


  Either way, they noted that “well-nourished children are not affected” because their bodies could maintain normal glucose levels in spite of the toxin。 The authors recommended further study and “ensuring adequate nutritional status in young children”。


  ▲India: 43 children dead in brain disease outbreak ‘linked to lychee fruit toxin’ (via The Independent)

(图 via Jaipal Singh/EPA)(图 via Jaipal Singh/EPA)

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